Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Updates, Updates!

I've had multiple requests for blank maps for study purposes. That's GREAT! Copy and paste this link to see and print the map: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B9y_dUgLNBJPMjEyMjRiMTYtMDc5My00YWRkLTljMzMtNzQzNWFlOWJmMjk0&hl=en

Copy & paste the followingto see the states being quizzed for map quiz #4 (coming up THIS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3rd!!!): https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B9y_dUgLNBJPMzYwZjQ5YjUtMjkwYS00NzBlLWJlMDMtNzBlYWY3YjY5NGFl&hl=en

Your American Revolution TEST is Wednesday, December 8th. Copies of the review go out in class on Thursday, 12/2, but here's an advanced copy if you'd like to get started (copy & paste the link!): https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B9y_dUgLNBJPMTUyNjBjYTAtNDlhYy00Y2ZiLTllOGMtZGM1NTEyNDY1NDVk&hl=en

Finally, we will have an INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK CHECK the week before winter break. Make sure your IN is up to date! Follow this link (copy & paste) to see the most up-to-date Table of Contents: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B9y_dUgLNBJPMTc1ODhkN2QtNGNiNi00YjFjLWE1MjAtNGE0YjA2OWI2ZWE1&hl=en

Friday, October 22, 2010

Latest and Greatest Up to Date Table of Contents

Please check to make sure you're keeping up with your interactive notebooks. See me in tutorials if you need help!

Here's the link to view the most up to date Table of Contents (copy and paste): https://docs0.google.com/document/edit?id=1i3lqiriiKrzcTD1GYlqsYAOhKShibA01FULPWAIRxKc&hl=en&authkey=COL88JYB#

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Colonization Re-Test Opportunity

Here are the details of the Colonization Re-Test opportunity. READ CAREFULLY!

· Any student may re-take the test and earn up to a 100 on the re-test. The former grade will be replaced with the new grade UNLESS the student scores lower on the re-test (in which case the current grade will remain in the grade book).

· Only ONE day is available for the re-test: Thursday, October 21st. Students may re-test that day during morning tutorials, Tribes, or in after school tutorials.

· Students who scored below 70 on the original test MUST ATTEND TUTORIALS AT LEAST ONE TIME PRIOR TO THE RE-TEST. Available tutorial times are:

o Friday, 10/15: AM & PM

o Monday, 10/18: AM & PM

o Tuesday, 10/19: AM & PM

o Wednesday, 10/20: PM ONLY

o Thursday is the Re-Test date, so students may NOT tutor on Thursday.

o Students who do not meet this guideline will not be allowed to re-test, and the Thursday testing time will not be changed for them.

o We do not have Tribes due to a Pep Rally on Tuesday, so students must come in before or after school.

o I will be at a conference on Tuesday and Wednesday next week, so students will work with Ms. Lynn, a former U. S. History teacher, during those times to prepare for the test. I have worked with Ms. Lynn to make sure she knows exactly what to review with the students, so they will be covered if they tutor with her. She will also have a sign-in sheet during tutorials, so I will have documentation of students who attend (that scored below 70 on the original test).

· If a student who made above a 70 would like to re-test, she may attend tutorials for extra practice, but it is not mandatory.

· The Re-Test will cover the same material as the original test, but it will be in a new format. Instead of multiple choice, the test will be short answer response. This means that students MUST know the information in order to pass. I gave the following example to students during class today as to what the test questions might look like:

o Sample Question: Example question: What were two roots of democracy that led to representative government in the colonies?

o Sample Response: The Magna Carta and English Bill of Rights were both roots of democracy that colonists turned to as examples when creating representative governments in the new world. The Magna Carta limited the rights of the king and gave power to people. The English Bill of Rights increased Parliament’s power and lessened the power of the monarchs. Colonial government allowed Burgesses to act like a Parliament (legislative branch) in Jamestown. In Plymouth, the Mayflower Compact allowed “majority rules.”

Re-Test Review sheets are available in Ms. French's room. Stop by and grab one any time. STUDY, STUDY, STUDY, and ASK QUESTIONS if you need help!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Weekly Update

Howdy, Rams!

Your most up-to-date Interactive Notebook Table of Contents can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1ev49Vt9Mh7-KcvNEGXnHS_-__gNfCB0_iUR60dJoroQ&hl=en&authkey=CICe2Z4F

Don't forget: Your COLONIZATION TEST is Wednesday, October 13th. See me in tutoring if you need help beforehand!

Student-Led Conferences are Monday, October 11. That means YOU lead the conferences with your parents! So, be sure to come and be sure to BRING YOUR INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOK in order to show your parents samples of your work!

Have a wonderful weekend, and if you go to the fair, eat a corny dog for me! :-)

Sunday, October 3, 2010

2nd Six Weeks Extra Credit

Hey, Rams!

Don't forget that Monday is a FRESH START for everyone! I am so proud of the progress you all made for the first six weeks, but I know a few of you might have hoped for a higher grade that what you earned this time around. Remember, there are a few things you can do to improve/maintain your average throughout the six weeks...

First of all, EXTRA CREDIT! I only had a couple of students who completed extra credit for the first six weeks, but it is available to EVERYONE! In order to receive extra credit, you must submit a one-page write up over the quote of the week THREE TIMES throughout the six weeks. This process is on-going, so you have to submit your write up for the quote by the Friday of that same week that it's posted on the board. You should have your quote of the week at all times since you copy it in your agenda every Monday! I will give you extra points at the end of the six weeks wherever you need it most...so if you have low scores under "major grades," I'll give you points there. If you have low scores under "quizzes," I'll give you points there. This is a GREAT opportunity to earn some extra points while you're also considering some GREAT quotes from history's prominent figures.

Also, I can't stress it enough...ATTEND TUTORIALS! I am never available Wednesday before school due to morning duty...other than that, just ask me if I'll be around. I often have meetings, which causes my schedule to change weekly, but I WANT to help you, so ask me when I'll be available, and I'll help you out! Also, remember that even if you are passing all of your classes at progress reports or report cards, you can see me for history tutoring during Tribes time.

Finally, the best thing you can do to be successful in my class is use your class time wisely. You all know at this point that I don't give much homework; however, if you're spending more time socializing in class than working, you're going to fall behind quickly. That means you need to KEEP WORKING until the bell rings and do your BEST at all times. Furthermore, it's important that you put 100% effort into all you do. The assignments I give you are in place in order to make the history knowledge you need "stick" in your brain so when TAKS rolls around in April, it's still there. Yes, you have to remember everything you're learning NOW in APRIL! And then...you also have to remember it in ELEVENTH GRADE when you take the second half of U. S. History. Trust me, you'll love me if you hold on to your Interactive Notebook all the way until 11th grade!

Come see me if you have any questions, or concerns, and let's have an AWESOME second six weeks!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Map Quiz #2 and I. N. Update!

Hey there, Rams!

Map Quiz #2 is coming up on (EDIT...NEW DATE!!!!) THURSDAY, October 7th. If you want to get a head start, here are the states you need to know this time around. Remember: Spelling counts!

New States for Quiz #2:
West Virginia

States from Quiz #1 that you STILL must know:
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New York
North Carolina
South Carolina
Rhode Island

The latest version of the I. N. Table of Contents can be found here (copy & paste the link): https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1aotHlcun1w2Ukv48Drd2z_nzyeM7zzpNqDwybR_Zxag&hl=en&authkey=CITB64YH

Friday, September 17, 2010

Interactive Notebook Update

Check out the following link to see the latest Interactive Notebook Table of Contents.


Next Friday, we will have an Interactive Notebook check that will count as a QUIZ GRADE, so be ready!

Also, the Map Quiz #1 grades are posted in the HAC. See how you did, and remember...these quizzes will be on-going, so study to catch up if you need to! If you want to see how well you know all 50 U. S. states and their locations, try out this website: http://jimspages.com/States.htm

Have a great weekend!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Map Quiz #1

Our first map quiz is Friday, September 17th! Copy and paste the link below to get the list of states that will be quizzed.

Good luck, and happy studying!

List of states for map quiz #1: https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1Ul4rgkDFEyv3d9tbKg93SHV2tTCHciTs7-effUOtSNM&hl=en&authkey=CJjHkKYI

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Interactive Notebook Table of Contents

Please copy and paste the following link into your browser in order to see the most up-to-date Table of Contents for your Interactive Notebook. This is a current table of contents as of Friday, September 10th. Remember to attend tutorials and get caught up in (if you're behind) in order to be successful in U. S. History!

Current Table of Contents Link: https://docs.google.com/document/edit?id=1Qn65EQS-rC4TwGu2dwAVo0nD8EbR3c8GNJ4aVSLZIiQ&hl=en&authkey=CKjBhKsL

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


Welcome to 8th grade U. S. History! It's going to be an exciting year!

At this time, please go to mail.google.com and sign up for an account if you don't already have a gmail account. This blog will occasionally be interactive, and in order to comment, you must have an account! Once you have registered for a gmail account, KEEP UP WITH YOUR LOGIN INFO! I won't be able to access the account for you, so it's up to you to remember! Once you have registered, you might want to "become a follower" of this blog, so you will receive an email every time I post a new blog entry!

For this first week of school, please remember a couple of things...

Your Interactive Notebook is the MOST important tool you have for U. S. History. In order to keep your interactive notebook, you need a COMPOSITION NOTEBOOK! Please bring that to class by WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 25th!

So, to sum it up...due this week:
Wednesday, 8/25: Composition Notebook for Interactive Notebook
Friday, 8/27: Signed syllabus
Friday, 8/27: Make sure I.N. is up to date before you arrive to class for a QUIZ (the quiz will be open note IF your I.N. is up to date!)

One tool I will use for assignments every once in a while is Wall Wisher. I would like everyone to try it out now for a "trial run." Go to: http://www.wallwisher.com/wall/intro101, read the prompts, and create your post in response to the question asked. Only post ONCE (it won't show up immediately), and we will review tomorrow!!!